55 research outputs found

    Influência da dupla ninhada nos parâmetros produtivos e comportamentais em genética Danbred

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    Publicação resultante do painel apresentado no XX Congresso Nacional de Zootecnia.The pressure that the swine sector has been suffering searching for methods and techniques that are more efficient, capable of increasing the number of piglets per sow, led to the hiperprolific sows, which go against the conventional concepts of swine facilities concerning farrowing crates. Also, the animal welfare when it comes to farrowing crates starts to become a very discussed subject, as much for the piglets as for the sows. After several studies developed in various locations, which evidenced the benefits of farrowing crates with mixed litters, it was decided to study that kind of litter. Thereby it was tested if the productive values of hiperprolific sows would increase, and also if it would increase the welfare of the piglets. The study was conducted between 11th of April and 19th of July in Santo Cristo’s farm, which is exploited by Euroeste, SA. company, located in Cartaxo, Portugal. The aim of this study was to evaluate if mixed litters help to wean more piglets, if they gain more weight by having more food options, and if their welfare is improved, helping the animal to be better prepared for the future, after weaning. Initially, through analysis with SAS software, which included the fixed effects of type of method used (if mixed litter or control), the location in the farm where they were, the month of birth, the age at weaning and the cycle of the sow, we evaluated the number of piglets weaned per sow, the average weight per weaned piglet, the daily weight gain calculated with the total values of the weights, the daily weight gained calculated with the average values of the piglets, and the percentage of weaned animals in comparison to the initial number of litters. Secondly, through the SAS program, were analysed the individual weights registered at weaning of 857 piglets, with an average weight of 5,91±1,41kg, with the aim of evaluating the environmental factors such as the method, location in the farm, month of weaning, age at weaning, cycle of the sow and age of the piglets at the beginning of the study. In conclusion for the production parameters this method does not show significant improvements however, it also has no disadvantage in productive terms, which demonstrates that it is a viable alternative to the intensive systems of isolated farrowing systems implemented today in most of the intensive farms. Secondly, it can also be concluded that, in behavioural terms, this method showed some improvement in pre-weaning behaviour, by improving the interactions between litters, and the natural contact between the animals and the increase of consumption of pre-starter.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Shrinking Cities for Economic Growth? Insights From the Housing Sector

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    This research focuses on examining how the pursuit of economic growth can contribute to urban shrinkage. In contrast to the prevalent definition of urban shrinkage that links population loss to insufficient levels of economic growth, this study examines the case of Coimbra, Portugal, where something different is happening. We hypothesise that Coimbra experiences population loss due to urban policies that promote economic growth through housing speculation. We conclude that the hypothesis is valid using semi-structured interviews and document analysis as data collection methods. The identified phenomenon disproportionately affects younger and vulnerable residents, forcing them to relocate due to unaffordable housing options. However, it benefits the local authority and national government, which collaborate with global economic powers that invest in real estate to accumulate capital. The conformist and legalistic-bureaucratic nature of the Portuguese planning system, evident in Coimbra's local authority, exacerbates the problem. We emphasise the potentially transformative impact of economic degrowth thinking on housing policy. The implications of this research question the validity of mainstream economic theory as commonly applied to urban planning

    Constantes de acidez de ácidos dipróticos a partir de titulações potenciométricas: ilustração dos princípios do cálculo através da construção de um algoritmo muito simples

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    This work describes the creation of an very simple calculation algorithm, based in basic chemical and mathematic principles, for the calculation of weak diprotic acid dissociation constants as, for example, amino acids, from potentiometric titrations. For an easier understanding of the algorithm the logical reasoning of this calculus is schematized in a diagram of blocks. In the second part of the work the algorithm is applied to an Excel calculation sheet to determine the dissociation constants of Nicotinic Acid and Glycine, from the respective potentiometric titration curves. The values obtained using this algorithm are compared with those estimated by Hyperquad2008 (program generally used for this type of calculus) and also with the values of a stability constants database

    Construction and use of a tubular picrate ion-selective electrode for reducing sugar determination in Port wine by flow-injection analysis

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    A picrate ion-selective electrode without inner reference solution and based on bis(triphenylphosphoranylidene)ammonium picrate dissolved in 2-nitrophenyloctyl ether was constructed and its characteristics assessed. With respect to reducing sugar determination in Port wine, a tubular electrode based on the same sensor system was developed and incorporated into a flow-injection manifold devised for this determination. The methodology involves a reaction between the reducing sugar and picric acid, the decrease in the picrate concentration being monitored with the tubular electrode. A linear dependence between peak width, at a fixed potential and the logarithm of sugar concentration in the range 25–200 g l−1 was obtained. The proposed system allows wine samples to be injected with no previous treatment and allows a sample throughput of 50 determinations per hour, a relative standard deviation less than 4%, and the results are comparable to the reference procedures

    Persistent organic pollutant levels in human visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue in obese individuals - Depot differences and dysmetabolism implications

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    Background: The role of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) with endocrine disrupting activity in the aetiology of obesity and other metabolic dysfunctions has been recently highlighted. Adipose tissue (AT) is a common site of POPs accumulation where they can induce adverse effects on human health. Objectives: To evaluate the presence of POPs in human visceral (vAT) and subcutaneous (scAT) adipose tissue in a sample of Portuguese obese patients that underwent bariatric surgery, and assess their putative association with metabolic disruption preoperatively, as well as with subsequent body mass index (BMI) reduction. Methods: AT samples (n=189) from obese patients (BMI ≥35) were collected and the levels of 13 POPs were determined by gas chromatography with electron-capture detection (GC-ECD). Anthropometric and biochemical data were collected at the time of surgery. BMI variation was evaluated after 12 months and adipocyte size was measured in AT samples. Results: Our data confirm that POPs are pervasive in this obese population (96.3% of detection on both tissues), their abundance increasing with age (RS=0.310, p<0.01) and duration of obesity (RS=0.170, p<0.05). We observed a difference in AT depot POPs storage capability, with higher levels of ΣPOPs in vAT (213.9±204.2 compared to 155.1±147.4 ng/g of fat, p<0.001), extremely relevant when evaluating their metabolic impact. Furthermore, there was a positive correlation between POP levels and the presence of metabolic syndrome components, namely dysglycaemia and hypertension, and more importantly with cardiovascular risk (RS=0.277, p<0.01), with relevance for vAT (RS=0.315, p<0.01). Finally, we observed an interesting relation of higher POP levels with lower weight loss in older patients. Conclusion: Our sample of obese subjects allowed us to highlight the importance of POPs stored in AT on the development of metabolic dysfunction in a context of obesity, shifting the focus to their metabolic effects and not only for their recognition as environmental obesogens

    Livro Verde dos Montados

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    O Livro Verde dos Montados apresenta diversos objectivos que se interligam: Em primeiro lugar, o Livro Verde pretende reunir e sistematizar, de uma forma simples e acessível ao público, o conhecimento produzido em Portugal pelos investigadores e técnicos de várias instituições de investigação ou de gestão que estudam o Montado. Assume-se como uma oportunidade de caracterizar o sistema tendo em conta as suas várias dimensões, identificando as principais ameaças à sua preservação assim como os caminhos que podem ajudar à sua sustentabilidade. Não sendo um documento científico, baseia-se no conhecimento científico e pretende constituir a base para uma plataforma de organização, tanto dos investigadores como do conhecimento científico actualmente produzido em Portugal sobre o Montado.Em segundo lugar, o Livro Verde deverá contribuir para um entendimento partilhado do que é o Montado, por parte do público, de técnicos e de especialistas, conduzindo a uma classificação mais clara do que pode ser considerado Montado e de quais os tipos distintos de Montados que podem ser identificados. Em terceiro lugar, o Livro Verde estabelece as bases para uma estratégia coordenada de disponibilização de informação sobre o sistema Montado, visando o seu conhecimento, apreciação e valorização pela sociedade portuguesa no seu conjunto. Deste modo, o Livro Verde poderá constituir um instrumento congregador e inspirador para a realização de acções de sensibilização e informação sobre o Montado. Em quarto lugar, pretende-se que o Livro Verde contribua para um maior reconhecimento e valorização do Montado como sistema, a nível do desenho das políticas nacionais por parte dos vários sectores envolvidos.Finalmente, o Livro Verde constituirá um documento parceiro do Livro Verde das Dehesas, produzido em Espanha em 2010, de forma a reforçar o reconhecimento e a devida valorização destes sistemas silvo-pastoris no desenho das estratégias e políticas relevantes pelas instituições europeias. Em suma, os autores pretendem que o Livro Verde dos Montados se afirme como o primeiro passo para uma efectiva definição e implementação de uma estratégia nacional para os Montados

    Desempenho motor. Um estudo normativo e criterial em crianças da Região Autónoma da Madeira, Portugal

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    O objectivo central do presente estudo foi construir valores de referência para os ‘skills’ locomotores e de controlo dos objectos em crianças da Região Autónoma da Madeira, Portugal. A amostra envolveu 853 sujeitos, 426 rapazes e 427 raparigas, que participaram na pesquisa ‘Crescer com Saúde na Região Autónoma da Madeira’. Os ‘skills’ motores fundamentais foram avaliados através do ‘Test of Gross Motor Development’. As crianças madeirenses apresentaram uma melhoria de resultados com a idade, na quase totalidade dos ‘skills’ motores fundamentais. Os rapazes foram mais proficientes do que as raparigas nos ‘skills’ de controlo dos objectos. O maior número de crianças madeirenses foi classificado na categoria ‘médio’ nos ‘skills’ locomotores (51.5%) e nos ‘skills’ de controlo dos objectos (37.7%). As crianças madeirenses apresentaram equivalentes etários abaixo da média nos ‘skills’ locomotores (86.5%) e nos skills’ de controlo dos objectos (87.7%). Um aumento de mestria com a idade foi observado na corrida, galope, deslocamento lateral, drible, agarrar e lançamento por cima do ombro. As crianças madeirenses apresentaram desempenhos inferiores relativamente às Norte-Americanas. O conhecimento do desempenho motor das crianças madeirenses deve fomentar a investigação e conduzir à implementação de programas na escola e demais instituições

    Persistent organic pollutant levels in human visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue in obese individuals - Depot differences and dysmetabolism implications

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    Background: The role of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) with endocrine disrupting activity in the aetiology of obesity and other metabolic dysfunctions has been recently highlighted. Adipose tissue (AT) is a common site of POPs accumulation where they can induce adverse effects on human health. Objectives: To evaluate the presence of POPs in human visceral (vAT) and subcutaneous (scAT) adipose tissue in a sample of Portuguese obese patients that underwent bariatric surgery, and assess their putative association with metabolic disruption preoperatively, as well as with subsequent body mass index (BMI) reduction. Methods: AT samples (n=189) from obese patients (BMI ≥35) were collected and the levels of 13 POPs were determined by gas chromatography with electron-capture detection (GC-ECD). Anthropometric and biochemical data were collected at the time of surgery. BMI variation was evaluated after 12 months and adipocyte size was measured in AT samples. Results: Our data confirm that POPs are pervasive in this obese population (96.3% of detection on both tissues), their abundance increasing with age (RS=0.310, p<0.01) and duration of obesity (RS=0.170, p<0.05). We observed a difference in AT depot POPs storage capability, with higher levels of ΣPOPs in vAT (213.9±204.2 compared to 155.1±147.4 ng/g of fat, p<0.001), extremely relevant when evaluating their metabolic impact. Furthermore, there was a positive correlation between POP levels and the presence of metabolic syndrome components, namely dysglycaemia and hypertension, and more importantly with cardiovascular risk (RS=0.277, p<0.01), with relevance for vAT (RS=0.315, p<0.01). Finally, we observed an interesting relation of higher POP levels with lower weight loss in older patients. Conclusion: Our sample of obese subjects allowed us to highlight the importance of POPs stored in AT on the development of metabolic dysfunction in a context of obesity, shifting the focus to their metabolic effects and not only for their recognition as environmental obesogens

    Building a Digital Wind Farm

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